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Three Months |
To Olen Ray,
I guess I am going to need to stop calling you little at some point, so I might as well start now. Another amazing month has passed us by! I will go ahead and apologize now for having your three month photograph on the blog and facebook with you in a smocked outfit. You will forgive me at some point, just be glad it is blue and it does make you look pretty cute. I also love turning photos black and white but your bright blue eyes are making me LOVE some color right now.
So, about you. This month you have really started to smile at your dad and I, A LOT. We will pretty much do anything to get a little smile out of you and I am sure other people get quite the show when watching us entertain you. I heard your first laugh (or at least it sounded like a laugh) when you were riding in the car seat looking at toy. A few days later, I heard your first belly laugh when your daddy was singing the "doodle bug" song right before bed. It was the sweetest sound I have ever heard and I cried! You only laugh every now and then, but it just sends your dad and I for a ride on cloud nine. Your speech development is coming right along as you make a lot of sounds and even some "goos". One of your cute moves is to blow bubbles (raspberries) at people until they blow some back. Who would know your mom is a speech pathologist?
You have a new swing from your Mama and it is a pretty fun little thing. You spend time in it while I shower, clean, or cook dinner. Your dad wants to put you on fast speed in the swing, but I say only to the second level for now. You have a few favorite toys that remain; Pedro the dog and the little boy in the mirror. The pacifier is pretty fun for you, but you only want it certain times of the day. I am still trying to figure out if there is a pattern to that. I am sure once I do figure it out, you will change it all over again. We have some books that you enjoy and some plastic rings you like to chew on.
Tummy time is still fun for you and now you will tolerate more playtime on your back. Thank goodness your tummy is feeling much better and the fussiness is almost gone.
We have settled into a bedtime routine now and it really helps you get ready to sleep. Right now we are putting on a disposable diaper, footed pajamas, and a fleece sleep sack for bed. Yes, I know, using a disposable is cheating but you pee so much at night, you would be wet from head to toe. I tried changing you with every feeding in cloth diapers, but those little eyes would pop open and you would be ready to play. I feed you in the nursery for the last feeding, get you changed for bed and then we spend time playing, praying, and reading for about 30 minutes. Daddy usually heads out to feed the dogs then and I sing to you. Yes, you have a song that I made up for you. Mimi says I shouldn't move to Nashville to be a song writer, but you seem to like it. "Olen Ray Olen Ray Where are you? Where are you? I see a baby. I see a baby. It is you. It is you. Olen Ray Olen Ray I love you. I love you. Hugs and kisses. Hugs and kisses. Love me too. Love me too." I am sure I will add more verses as time passes. It is to the same tune as the song my mom sang to me as a baby...funny huh? Anyway, I rock you to sleep with your paci and place you in the crib. Sometimes you start out on your tummy and I move you to your back after the dream feed at 10:30. We are still trying to get the whole "sleeping" part consistant, but at least the night routine is established.
You feed every 2 1/2 hours during the day and every 3 to 3 1/2 hours at night. I am really hoping we can stretch out those night feeds soon cause it is really wearing on me in sleep department. I must admit though, those middle of the night feedings are my favorite. Nursing you in the dark when there are not any other distractions is great. I am usually a lot more relaxed (because I am half asleep) that is helps you nurse slowly and calmly (instead of gulping down the milk). Then you lay on my shoulder with your cheek against my lips while I kiss you and burp you before putting you back in the crib. Oh so sweet! Just pure sweetness I must say.
You had a few more shots this month and weighed in at 15 lbs 15 ozs. I knew you were getting close to 16 lbs. The weight gain has slowed down a little, but I must say. You love to eat :-)
I have been back to work one day a week and starting to get settled into that routine again. I really do enjoy my job but it makes me miss you. Our neighbor and Mimi have been keeping you for me on Tuesdays while I work. You are doing so good for other people now and that makes me proud.
Our love for you continues to grow by leaps and bounds each day. We are so thankful for you and can't imagine life any other way. Stay "little" for just a little bit longer my sweet boy so I can snuggle with you any time of the day and kiss your cute little cheeks.
Love, Mommy (and Daddy)
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