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7 months |
To Olen Ray,
Really, can it be true? The pictures tell it all. You are 7 months old and crawling. Yes, yes, you are crawling and laughing and play and showing us how to live life to the fullest.
Let's start with your motor skills since that is the most exciting thing for this month. The date was October 10th, the date you took your first forward movements on those cute hands and knees. Everyone knows you were "rockin" for a while, but this is when the motion began. You took about 2 to 3 movements and then ended up back on your tummy. This lasted for about a week, then you would progress in increments of 2 to 3 feet. Now, you are EVERYWHERE. You have learned how to go from sitting to crawling very well but have only sat up from the crawling position a few times. Crawling seems to satisfy you and so far we haven't had to worry about you pulling up on toys or furniture. You love to go from one part of a room to another to find your toys or your favorite thing; the pets. You love to sit and "chat" with Bailey or Addison. It's so fun to watch you get all excited when they come in the house or visit with us on the porch in the evenings.
Playing with your toys and reading books is still super fun for you. You are happy to sit, crawl, and play for about 30 minutes by yourself as long as I (or your dad) are close by. Your laugh is still contagious and it's fun to find new ways to get that giggle to come out. We spend a lot of time in the afternoon and evenings on the porch playing with your toys, watching the leaves blow, listening to the birds, and waiting for daddy to come home from work.
I can honestly say that we haven't found anything that you don't like to eat. I feel like we made a pretty good list of your favorite foods in your 6 month post, but you seem to really enjoy tomato based foods (spaghetti, chili, pizza). I guess they must have a lot of flavor or something. You enjoy oatmeal and fruit for breakfast most mornings with a little water in your straw cup; which you can pick up and drink from independently. For lunch, I usually try to offer a veggie and fruit. You eat what we eat for dinner with a little pureed fruit on the side. Of course, puffs, bread pieces, and yogurt melts will keep you occupied in your high chair for quite a while. You are a pro at getting things to your mouth. Some of it ends up on the floor and in your lap, but who cares! You are still nursing 5 times a day and sticking to the schedule pretty well. Sometimes if you are fussy in the afternoon or usually when you get home from Ms. Patty's house, I will nurse you an extra time in the afternoon. You take about 3 - 4 ozs of milk when you have a bottle and that seems to be enough, although I am sure you would take more if offered. The times for feeds are 5:30 am, 8:00 am, 12:00pm, 4:00 pm, 8:00pm, so pretty much every four hours. You eat solids around 9:15, 1:15, and 6:30 or close to it depending on your nap schedule.
So let's talk sleep because we are ALL getting more of it these days. You actually slept 11 hours without a peep for the first time EVER on September 30, right after you turned 7 months. I wish I could say that was the norm, but we are happy when you go from 8:00 to 5:30 without crying. I still can't figure out what tends to wake you up in the night. It seems like you sleep the best on the weekends when your daddy is around and the worst on Monday and Tuesday night after being away from mommy all day. Those nights you might wake up 2-3 times between 12:00 and 5:00. You "usually" fuss and roll around a bit for 5 to 10 minutes and are able to go back to sleep. Some nights we have to go in and try to calm you back down. I have been good about not giving in to nursing you before 5:00 though even on rough nights. I think that consistency really helps a lot. Your naps are pretty good right now with one around 10:00 and another around 3:00. The length of them varies from 1 to 3 hours with a total of 3 hours or so most days. You fall asleep really well on your own still even if you play for 30 minutes or so in your crib before you actually fall sleep. Carson (the puppy dog with the paci) and blankie are must-haves every night and every nap. No substitutions allowed!
"Mama" is what you call me and the sound of that word coming from you mouth sent me to the moon! I was walking by the couch one Saturday and your daddy was holding you. He said "look there is mama" and you said "mama" back to him and looked at me. You continue to say it pretty regularly, but usually when you are upset or frustrated; feelings that a mama can fix right? I think you now know what "dada" means and it makes your daddy light up when you say it as he walks up on the porch in the evenings after work. Speech sounds, bubbles, squeals, and giggles are consistantly coming from your mouth. You are a little guy with a lot to say especially if we have been with a lot of people at a party or something. You come home and chat. it. up.
A new car seat is in the 4Runner now so you are big stuff! Still rear facing of course!
Let's see, you roll around a lot in your sleep now and sleep in all different positions; tummy, back, side, curled up between your stuffed animals. You always have the blankie in hand though!
We have started to tell you no-no with a little squeeze on the hand for a few dangerous things around the house you seem to be super curious about. I think you are starting to "think" about those words but aren't sure what they mean yet. I am trying so hard to be consistent there.
Hanging out in the Ergo on my back or in the ring sling on my side is still great fun for you. I recently even did a few photo sessions with you on my back. You were great entertainment for the kids and even helped with some smiles for the camera.
We still go for a walk or run most mornings that I don't have to work. You ride and suck on your paci taking in all the wonders of the great outdoors. Nap in the stroller, not anymore! There is way to much to look at in your opinion.
Daddy has been getting home late from work again (he switched back to his old job), so you and I have dinner around 6:30 and then you have a "hot bath" and change into PJs so you are ready to play. We have been walking to the end of the driveway each night so you can meet daddy and drive the car up to the house with him. Right now you are trying to figure out how to roll the windows up and down. It's so fun to watch you learn new things.
Everything is so much more fun with you along little "bug". You continue to light up our life and teach us to slow down each day to enjoy the little things. We love spending time together as a family playing silly games in the evenings or walking around the yard looking at the animals. Daddy and I "fight" over who gets to carry you in places when we visit friends. You are the greatest side kick ever. Thanks for sharing your joy Olen Ray and thanks for reminding us about the importance of family time. Keep sharing your snuggles, planting big kisses on my lips, and squealing with excitement when daddy comes home.
Love, "Mama" and "Dada"
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Everyone that knows you knows what this face means: I am so excited! |
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