Wednesday, January 9, 2013

8 months

8 months   
To Olen Ray,
You are such a joy, such a delight, such an entertainer, and SO MUCH FUN.  We started your “8th month” with you dressed as a duck for Halloween. There wasn’t much trick-or-treating to be had along our road, so we loaded you up for some fun at the local fall festival. They had a few games and activities at a local church; it was great!  You picked ducks out of the water, tossed bean bags, and threw rings with the big kids, and some help from daddy of course.
The motor milestones are in fast forward it seems as you crawl EVERYWHERE.  You even pull up on small objects and ledges like the door frame, guitar case, and low cabinet handles.  The first time you pulled up to stand on your feet independently was on the dishwasher. Yes, I know it isn’t the safest thing for you to play on, but you were almost on your feet and I couldn’t move you. Daddy was even there to see it which was super exciting.  I think it is crazy that by the end of the 8th month, I wrote down that you started cruising a little.  At times you even let go of something and then grab it again while standing.  You really love to crawl though so down on your knees and off you go!  Dancing is a new thing for you as you bob up and down on your knees to music.
We took our first trip to your Mimi’s farm house this month.  It was fun to watch you react to the goats, sheep, horses, chickens, dogs, and cats.  Riding on the gator with your cousin Kyson was a highlight for sure.  The Naylor family celebrated Thanksgiving there so you were a hit with all the family members, most of which hadn’t met you before. Of course, you aren’t the “baby” anymore in the family since Norah was born in October.  You seem okay with it though and really liked to watch her move around and make funny noises.  Daddy had to stay home and work, which was rather sad.  You were one happy boy though when we got home and you saw your daddy.
Sleep, yes, sleep. I feel I must document this somewhere so I can look back and realize it did get better as you go older.  You slept from 8:00 to 6:30 once this month and no, we really didn’t do anything different that night. Most of the time you still wake between 4:00 and 5:00, nurse, then go back to sleep.  During the day, you are napping around 10:00 and 3:00.  Most days you nurse when you wake up because it seems that you nap longer that way.  If we are off schedule or something, I try to nurse you to sleep with some success on some days.   If it seems like I use “some” or “sometimes” or “most of the time” when describing you, it is because everything changes “some” of the time.
You still nurse about 5 times a day. When we are out and about, you nurse less and don’t really relax as much because you might miss something.  At home, you snuggle right up lay there for quite a while as I talk or sing to you.  Solid foods are offered three times a day, although I am sure you would eat them more if I served them to you.  You pretty much eat anything and still drink from a straw cup. 
I am pretty sure you are saying “dog” and it sounds like “da”.  You say it A LOT when you see a dog and you get really excited about it. You really LOVE animals of any kind.  Your favorite books have animals in them and you smile when I make the animal sounds.
One of the sweetest things you have done since you were a few weeks old – smile and laugh in your sleep.  You still do this when you are really tired and fall asleep while nursing.  It is so sweet and such a great little giggle you share as you drift off to dream land.
Bath time is a hit around the house and we have transitioned to the big tub now. You lay on your belly and kick-kick-kick-kick-kick. The kicks are getting stronger and the floor keep getting wetter with each bathe.  It is fun to watch you play though!
Daddy has continued to work late this month, so we have started a routine of meeting him at the end of the driveway. I have you already bathed and in your PJs for bed, then we walk out a few minutes before he is going to arrive. When you see the headlight (yes, there is only one headlight on the little white car because a deer decided to jump out in front of your dad one morning and take out the other headlight), you start kicking your feet and smiling. For a while, when he drove the truck and there were two headlights, you would be confused, not knowing it was him.  Once you see him, you get passed in through the window to drive the car home, dancing to music the whole way. 
We love you so much Olen Ray. We love your smile, love your laugh, love your little look you give when you want us to chase you, love your stink face (as featured in many of the photos below), love the way you say ‘mmm’ with every bite of food, love your bright blue eyes, love to watch you learn new things and love that God blessed us with you.  We love watching you grow even though it you seem to be growing way too fast.  Keep showing us new things doodle bug.

Love, Mama and Dada

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