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11 months |
To Olen Ray,
Yet another month has passed! You are eleven months now and getting closer to the big ONE with every day we share; your skills are showing your age little man.
What a fun age (but I guess I would say that about every month) this is and what a fun not-so-little baby you are. You are full of personality and love to still the attention when we walk in a room. The stink face and your joyous smile gets them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Let’s see, daddy is still working crazy hours, but we keep the cell phone close by in the evenings awaiting his arrival time. I through a jacket and hat on before heading out the door to meet “dada” at the end of the driveway. You really know this part of our evening routine now. When I say, “let’s go see dada”, you head for the door. If I get your bundled up and then put you down, you turn into a not-so-happy little guy! In your mind, it means we aren't going to meet daddy when really mommy just HAS to use the bathroom. Daddy’s crazy work schedule means we still eat dinner “just the two of us” during the week and cherish our family meals on the weekends. You love it when daddy is a the table because he feeds you from his plate, even though the same food is on your plate. You share a lot of snuggles with daddy in the evenings and I can just see his heart glowing each time you lay your sweet head on his shoulder.
Speaking of food, you are still eating like a champ; at the table and the boob. The only foods you really don’t like are slaw or really anything with a lot of mayo in it. You really enjoy the squeeze fruit pouches and I bribe you with those to stay in the stroller when I go running in the afternoon. Still nursing four times a day and I am just as attached to those moments as you are, I must be honest here. There was one random night when you refused to nurse before bed. I came out of your nursery in tears thinking that was the end. I even went back in after thirty minutes because you were still awake to try again, you still refused. Haha, I was worried for nothing as you called for me twice in the middle of the night to make up for that loss of milk. It was really odd because you haven’t done that again.
Your sleep patterns are pretty consistent at this point unless we travel or you are adding to your collection of pearly whites. Two naps a day around 10:00 or 10:30 and the other around 3:30 or 4:00. I usually wake you up by 12:00 to make sure we get the second nap in. In the bed (well, crib) by 8:00 or 8:30 without a peep most nights :-) I can expect a call for “mama” or some crying around 4:00 or 5:00 with a request for some milk and then back to sleep until 7:30 or 8:00.
A big change happened this month when Ms. Patty (your babysitter) told us she took another job. Fortunately, she shared the name of another local babysitter that had an opening for a part time kiddo. You filled that spot and things are going great. Ms. Elaine keeps you 2-3 days a week from 8:00-2:00 while mommy works. She has you on a great schedule with a nice 2 hour morning nap. You love the big boys there and she is impressed with all the food you eat. Those tears you shed when I leave you in the morning really tug at this mommy’s heart though. I know you quiet down right away, but it is touch little baby, I won’t deny it!
Skills, skills, and more skills. You are taking a few steps (1 or 2) independently, but not showing a lot of interest in walking yet. You can crawl on super speed and get anywhere you want to go. You LOVE to play outside with rocks and sticks and whatever other random item you find. Even on cold days, we bundle up to soak up some sunshine whenever possible. Your play skills just fascinate me! You put toys in AND out, try to stack blocks, can almost put a large puzzle piece in, open a book, push a car, throw a ball, stack rings, try to spin those rings like daddy, and push your motorcycle toy EVERYWHERE.
Your words are pretty consistent with mama, dada, dog, woof, byebye, ah (airplane), da (all done), hoo hoo (owl sound), ti (stick), ba (ball), and I can’t think of the others right now. Following directions is pretty easy right now and you seem to want to please, let’s hope that continues. I can tell you “its time to take a bath” and you head down the hall to the bathroom. Some nights you go there after dinner even if I don’t tell you! You are more than happy to crawl over to your chair at the table and attempt to climb in when I see “its time to eat.”
I almost forgot, you have a second tooth! Or maybe I already typed that, but who was time to read back through a blog post before clicking publish. Not this mommy! More teeth are coming through as you still chew on everything and you share your drool with everyone.
I am trying to teach you “no” and it is working, sorta. You know there are some things you aren’t supposed to touch (the fire, the radio) and you head straight to them if I get on the phone or start cooking. I can tell you know what “no” means because you look at me when I say it and try to decide if it’s worth it to keep touching them. I can usually give you a little pop on the hand and redirect you. The only time I have had to pop the cute behind is for standing up in the bathtub and standing up in your high chair. I think your feelings get heart more than your bottom, but those crocodile tears hurt mommy too! We just want to shape you into an obedient son while still letting you explore the world, hope we are doing the right thing.
We are still so in love with you doodle bug. Keep on growing baby, stay healthy, stay strong, let your joyous heart shine, and be patient with us as we learn how to parent.
Love, Mama and Dada
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