To Little Olen Ray,
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Two Months Old! |
You have decided that nursing makes everything better...except it causes some issues for your tummy when you over-eat. We are learning how to adjust appropriately! Right now you eat every 2 to 3 hours depending on the time of the day (or night).
You are really starting to smile at us and love looking around at people; such a social little guy. Your sweet sounds are so entertaining. This month you went to church for the first time and to small group. Everyone loved touching your cute cheeks, even though you were wrapped to me in a Moby. There have been a few days you spent some time with our neighbor (Ms. Stephanie) so I could get a short nap between feedings. She has been such a blessing to us and her kids LOVE you. It is so fun to listen to them ask about you and want to touch your feet. You celebrated your first Easter complete with family photos, Easter baskets, and visitors.
Mimi has come for a few more visits and friends have continued to bring us food. She pulls up in her little red VW bug (a diesel one so you can hear it coming) and comes running to the door to scoop you up. You thoroughly enjoy all the attention. Your crazy cousins, Kyson and Sayla, also came to meet you for the first time this month. They loved holding you, playing with you, and even rocking you. Sayla was a super star as she changed your diaper.
You really enjoy sitting in your little seat with the vibrator on, taking walks in the stroller, being held by mommy and daddy, and really doing anything outside. One of your favorites is walking out on the back porch with daddy when he gets home in the evenings to listen to the rain and thunder. Crazy that it has rained A LOT this month, but you think it's great! We have had to pull out all the "baby calming" tricks just to keep you from crying at times. Some of these include: walking around and around the staircase in the living room, turning on the water in the shower, turning on the hair dryer, bouncing up and down in daddy's arms, playing music on mommy's phone, sounds and songs from your noise machine, mommy attempting to sing (that one doesn't really work), walking outside, snuggling in a wrap or carrier, rocking, riding in the stroller, sucking on your paci, holding Carson (the little dog), wrapping your fingers around the fuzzy blanket, or any combination of the above.
Let's see, you have had your first bottle from daddy, rolled over a few times (front to back), and really started to turn your head from side to side while on your tummy. Cloth diapers still cover your little bottom and we have given up on disposables when out and about. You are wearing 0-3 month clothes. I have trouble finding pants or shorts to fit you, so you usually sport little one piece outfits or onesies. Comfort is key around our house!
At your two month check up on , everything was looking good and here are those stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 12 ozs 70%Height: 23 inches 37%
Head Circumference: 39 1/2 cm 50%
You got your first vaccine (Dtap) and hardly even cried; gonna be a tough boy says your daddy.
We are so in love with you little bubby. Every time I think of you or see you, my heart melts. Sometimes I cry when you cry if something is wrong or when you cry just because. I am learning that crying is just a normal baby behavior. It is so fun to go on adventures as a little family, even if it is just to the grocery store. Daddy even helps select outfits for you sometimes. When asked "what do you want him to wear", daddy always says "something with a tractor on it."
We pray daily for God to continue to grow you into a strong and healthy baby. We pray for your joyous heart, your sweet spirit, and your love; character traits we want to develop as you learn to serve the Lord and others. We pray for God to teach us how to be good parents and thank Him that you love us so much. Thanks for being such an awesome baby and making our little family complete.
Love, Mommy (and Daddy)
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