Sunday, March 25, 2012

One Month

Our baby boy is One Month Old!
 To Little Olen Ray,

You have been a blessing to us since the moment you were conceived. Each day you grew in my womb, we fell more and more in love with you. The thought of how much love we felt for you the moment we saw you for the first time brings tears to my eyes. This first month has been awesome and you are an amazing little boy.  A lot has happened in the first month and it is my turn to share a few of my (our favorites) for all to read.  
I call you Olen Ray or "Bubby" and daddy calls you Olen or "Doodle Bug". When I tell him you have a double name, he says, "yeah, Doodle Bug."  You have shared a few smiles with us at random moments; real smiles while you were chatting it up during play time. The first one was when I was talking to you one day when you were riding in the Ergo.  I won't forget that moment.  Yes, I wrote it down!  Sleeping has been a breeze for you and you love to lay in your cradle at night and fall easily asleep beside our bed.  We just stare at you and thank God for you and your joyous heart. Tummy time is fun and holding up your head is like a challenge for you that we practice each day. You really like to listen to music and outdoor sounds, the sound of the shower in the morning, and walking outside on the porch.  
During the day, your schedule is eat, play a little, sleep and repeat.  Not much fussing do we hear unless something hurts.  You have a sweet little sound you make when you wake from a nap or night sleep and need to eat.  Then you growl at me while nursing, oh how I love your sounds.  During the day, you nurse every 2 to 3 hours and go closer to 4 hours at night.  Right now you fall asleep around 10:00, wake up at 1:00 to eat, back to sleep by 2:00, wake around 5:00 to eat, then play with daddy before he leaves for work.  During the past week, you have also taken a great 2 hour nap in your crib in the afternoon.  
Your little bottom stays covered in cloth diapers and it is going well so far.  I am trying to line dry them each day and they stay much softer for you.  I thought I would use disposables while out and about to make life easier. HAH! The only diapers you "blow-out" of are disposables and then I have to change your diaper AND your outfit. Convenient? I think not!
The doctor says your jaundice has improved and there won't be any more pricks in your heels.  At your one month appointment to check your jaundice, you weighed 9 lbs 8 ozs; we aren't worried about weight gain anymore. There are a few things you love and daddy says they come in a certain order: 1) Your source of food (and I don't mean "mommy") 2) Bob, your new stroller 3) Mr. Hair Dryer, to air out your little bottom during diaper changes 4) Pedro, a colorful little dog you stare at. I am sure the list will grow but those are things we notice now. 
Your expressions are priceless and if I could, I would spend all day taking pictures and videos of you.  When you are waking or nursing, and I talk to you, your eyebrows go up and you make a soft sound.  You start looking for your dad when he enters a room.  Every moment is a joy, Olen Ray, and I wish I could just hold onto to every little second forever. You are already growing and changing so fast.  So many people love you little baby, pray for you, and thank God for your health.
Thank you for being patient with us as we learn how to parent. Thank you for showing us how to love unconditionally,the way God loves us. Thank you for making us laugh and smile on difficult days.  Thank you for opening eyes to what is really important in life.  Thank you for the joy you share with us each and every day. 

Love, Mommy (and Daddy)

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