Now this was a busy day! Today was my first day wearing an outfit size 0-3 months and shoes. I looked pretty cute, don't you think??
The plan was to get all the errands done in Columbia as a family since we had to go back guessed it...the doctor! It was my two week check up though so we have some stats for you:
Length: 20 1/2 inches, 56% on the growth chart
Weight: 7 lbs 13 ozs, 41%
Head Circumference: 36 1/2 cm, 67%
My bilirubin level was down to 13 so the doctor was pleased. The place sure was busy today! I don't have to go back there for two more weeks, yeah!
So, to Babies R' Us and BuyBuyBaby we went to look for a stroller. I think I really like the Bob and even got to go for a test "ride" in it while at the store. There was also a car seat check at the BuyBuyBaby store, so they checked out my seat. The police officers were impressed with how tight daddy had the base secured in the car. He wants me to be a safe baby when I ride.
We also went to a few stores to look at lawn mowers. Mommy was able to feed me in the car and I was pretty good all day.
At home, a package was waiting for me from my friend Mistaya in Washington. It was a busy day so I was pretty tired after opening the package as you can see below.
Oh, my umbilical cord fell off today as well and I took a quick bath this morning. I told you it was a busy day!

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