Friday, May 6, 2011

Puppy Pictures

I know...I has been A LONG TIME since I last posted. We have been busy with this thing called life and our new puppy. Don't worry, she does have a name, it is Bailey :-) She is about 6 months old now and still very much a puppy. She loves to sit at my feet and follow me around as I get ready in the morning, play fetch for Steven, tease the neighbor's dogs on a daily basis, and my least favorite thing: race in circles right through my garden. Anyway, here are some recent pictures I thought I would share.

One of my favorite puppy pictures. She likes a tennis ball, but she LOVES to plastic bottles.

The race track, also known as my garden.

Movie night and we all have our own chair! Well sorta, Steven and I share the couch.

Her first bath at the farm in Orangeburg, not her favorite thing at all!

A few curls after her bath

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