Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well...I finally bought the plane tickets after staring at this screen for the last 2 hours making sure I didn't overlook some tiny detail like I did on the last travel trip I planned (I had Mom and Ms. Yvonne riding on a bus on Sunday that doesn't run on Sunday)!!
I will post more details later but I will be arriving in North Carolina late on Thursday, Oct 30 to spend several days with family..then heading to Columbia...back to North Carolina at the end of the trip with a flight back to Washington on Sunday, Nov. 16!

I will be emailing about photo shoots for Christmas pictures that people may be interested in and fun times with friends while I am home!! 2 and 1/2 whole weeks!! Yeah!!

I promise to most more later...some funny stories to share!


Kim Lyle said...

Heidi- We can't wait to see you when you are in Columbia! Let us know when you expect to be in town!

EHH said...

Come visit us at the rehab Center. Bob and Mandi are here too. Bob says the Wolfpack is going down on Thursday night. mandi is tailgating with me and swears we are eating Edamamea (soybeans). We are simultaneously emailing you and commenting on your blog. The computer or mandi's brain may explode!

Edie, Mandi, and Bob